Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

Appendix C: Public Involvement Plan

Table 2-1: TDP Project Team Members

infrastructure needs. It will include discussion group workshops, stakeholder interviews, bus rider and operator surveys, community surveys, and strategic pop-up engagement events. These pop-ups are aimed at meeting the community where they are and provide opportunities for the project team to meet with both riders and community members, seeking their feedback. In addition, digital communications, including website, email, and social media, will be part of this phase. Phase II – Phase II will be held in June, following the extensive evaluation of the input received, as well as the development of the recommendations. This additional outreach will be needed to receive public feedback on the recommendations, including service, priorities, and implementation strategies to enhance public transportation in Key West. The project team will host a public listening session, conduct individual stakeholder meetings, as requested, and provide digital communications on the website, email and social media. Utilizing data from sources such as the U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS), Longitudinal Employment Household Dynamics (LEHD), and the University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR), valuable insights can be gleaned regarding population density, commuting behaviors, and employment trends. This information is instrumental in making informed decisions about the optimal levels of transit service, routes, and infrastructure investments. 2.1.3 Target Audiences The City of Key West Department of Transportation aims to involve key individuals and agency-based stakeholders in shaping the Transportation Development Plan (TDP) for FY 2024 - 33. A stakeholder, in this context, refers to an individual from an agency, community, or elected position directly contributing to the development and success of public transportation and mobility services in Key West. Typically, stakeholders are familiar with Key West transit and related services, holding a vested interest in their optimal use and success, along with related programs.

TEAM MEMBER ORGANIZATION TITLE/ROLE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Rod Delostrinos Key West Department of Transportation Director Rogelio Hernandez Key West Department of Transportation

Operations Manager

Carolyn Haia

Key West Department of Transportation

Grants and Project Manager

CONSULTANT TEAM Murriah Dekle Thomas Rodrigues


Project Manager Deputy Project Manager Transit Programs Administrator Center Manager



Richaunda Curry

CareerSource Florida / Key West – The College of the Florida Keys

2.1.2 Outreach Phases Information will be available throughout the planning process for the public to provide input; however, two phases of engagement will mark the key milestones where targeted community engagement activities will occur: Phase I – Phase I will run from January – March, as the TDP gets underway. This phase of outreach will involve engaging the community to seek public input on transit needs, including service and capital/

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APPENDIX — Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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