Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

Appendix C: Public Involvement Plan

Email-blasts, social media, and websites will be used to promote the online survey effort. In addition, participants attending the discussion groups will be requested to disseminate the survey links. Participants of the stakeholder interviews will be asked to distribute the link through their places of business, and agency and City staff will distribute the link through other means, as appropriate. The survey will be live throughout the comment period of Phase I of engagement to allow the public ample time to participate. Survey participation will be analyzed mid-way through each engagement period to identify gaps in target populations’ involvement. The data from the survey will be analyzed and compiled into an easily digestible summary. 2.4 ON-BOARD SURVEY In-person public surveys will be conducted on-board transit buses, and at transit stops to obtain information related to the attitudes, preferences, and goals of transit riders related to public transit services. The surveys will present information to enable participants to provide an informed response. Surveys will be written in a clear and understandable manner and will be brief to encourage participation These surveys will be paper and/or a tablet-based format. Social media and websites will be used to promote awareness of the on-board survey. In addition, the survey will be available digitally, to encourage participation among riders who may not be interested in the direct on-board survey. 2.5 LISTENING SESSIONS To engage with the public and allow them to both learn about the TDP update process and provide their input, listening sessions will be held during each engagement phase. These in-person listening session events will be open house-style and will be held at an easily accessible location where members of the community gather, such as a community festival or popular destination, near transit when possible, and ADA accessible. The potential locations will be identified prior to each phase of engagement.

All materials developed for the events will be made available on the project website to allow people to view project information at their convenience. This will include materials such as presentations, double sided handouts, and surveys developed for each phase as needed. Logistics guides will be developed for each event to highlight the purpose of the listening session and to outline the roles and responsibilities of the Project Team. Spanish interpreters may be available during events by advance request and materials may be translated into Spanish, as necessary. The Phase I listening session will provide the opportunity for the public engage with the Project Team, learn about the TDP process, and provide input on transit needs, necessary service and capital improvements, and community values, needs, and priorities. The Phase II listening session will share proposed transit services alternatives to the public, solicit feedback on the TDP alternatives and priorities, and collect input on the effectiveness of the transit alternatives. 2.6 PROMOTIONAL OUTREACH ACTIVITIES A multifaceted outreach approach and promotional campaign are necessary to engage the target audiences. Sharing project materials and engagement opportunities through print and digital means will help provide community members with convenient ways to access information about the project, public participation opportunities, informational materials, frequently asked questions, and comment opportunities. 2.6.1 Branding All TPD materials will use the project's branding as developed by the Project Team. The branding reflects the project's purpose and the public participation goal of engaging those who live and travel throughout the community to provide feedback on transportation and transit access. The branding also provides a recognizable look for all study materials, such as the webpage and other promotional and engagement materials.

APPENDIX — Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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