Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

Appendix D: Public Involvement Activities

City of Key West 10-Year Transit Development Plan - Phase II Survey

Phase II | Data

Q4 What other amenities would you use or like to see installed at the KWIC? Please provide a brief description in the box below.

Answered: 48 Skipped: 184





Indoor children's playground

6/11/2024 2:56 PM



6/5/2024 8:43 PM


I'd like to see all non-KW registered passenger vehicles have to use public parking on SI and have to take public transport over Cow Key Bridge

6/2/2024 11:17 AM


The ranking is unfair. There are items listed I'm not in support of at all.

6/2/2024 9:41 AM


It’s time to shift the focus to the youth in the community, once this mayor and her greed are an afterthought, maybe we can get things back to where they should be.

5/31/2024 8:56 PM


Parking with free transportation to the airport

5/31/2024 3:26 PM


If you build a garage you need lots of very frequent bus service downtown 24 hours a day please Water stations Sprinklers for kids- getting creative with the urban planning- doesn't always have to be a "splash pad" Free or cheaper childcare- struggling parents need it more than ever. free bus rides to the library for 2 hours? too hot to be outdoors all the time.

5/31/2024 3:07 PM

5/30/2024 12:19 PM



Public art

5/30/2024 9:33 AM


Park with green space

5/30/2024 6:57 AM


We don’t need anymore overpriced parking spaces or garages unless it’s for locals who can park for free and let the tourists pay fees. Green space would be nice but it’ll be over run by the bums and no one will want to visit the space. We need to stop catering to the bums. Affordable housing to keep working class in key west and have comfortable and fair way of living. Not just working to live

5/29/2024 10:03 PM


5/29/2024 9:28 PM


Public free Wi-Fi should be included in every project

5/29/2024 3:16 PM


Something that would benefit the hospital and the college.

5/29/2024 11:42 AM


A spot for all the hotel shuttles to drop off passengers and make them take public transit into key west.

5/29/2024 11:19 AM

Page 220

APPENDIX — Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034


Public restrooms

5/29/2024 10:45 AM

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