Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

3.3 Trend Analysis

The trend analysis is organized by type of measure or indicator and includes statistics, figures, and tables to illustrate KWT’s performance over the past five years. This analysis includes statistics that summarize selected system performance indicators, effectiveness, and efficiency measures for the five-year period. It is important to note that the organization of the analysis has considered the significant outlier of the global pandemic to differentiate the overall analysis from 2021 to 2023 to isolate the data of the outlier years to present the findings with two perspectives. The summary findings of the trend analysis are presented by indicator on the next page in Table 3-6 , and will be detailed in the appendices of the final TDP document.

3.3 Trend Analysis To evaluate the efficiency of Key West Transit in delivering fixed-route transit services and its alignment with the area’s needs, a trend analysis of key performance indicators and measures was undertaken over a five year span. This analysis utilized data from the Florida Transit Information System (FTIS), incorporating the latest validated National Transit Database (NTD) data for transit agencies across the United States. Since 2023 data was not available from FTIS, information from KWT was obtained and utilized for that year. In addition to the system trend analysis, a peer system review analysis was conducted using the same metrics. This involved comparing various performance characteristics of KWT’s fixed-route services with a selection of transit agency peers. This comparison utilized the most recent and comprehensive national transit data available at the time of the analysis, including the 2022 NTD data. 3.3.1 Analysis Indicators and Measures Various performance measures are used to present the data that relate to overall system performance. Three categories of indicators and performance measures were analyzed for the trend and peer analysis of the existing transit service: » Performance Indicators – quantity of service supply, passenger and fare revenue generation, and resource input » Effectiveness Measures – extent to which the service is effectively provided » Efficiency Measures – extent to which cost efficiency is achieved

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Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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