Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

Appendix A: Map Series

City of Key West Duval Loop Daily Average Ridership

Fleming Key Cut


U.S. Coast Guard - Sector Key West


s t -M a rc o I s l an d ( sea s ona l)

Naval Air Station Key West Trumbo Point Annex

Halse yDr i ve M it scherD ri ve

W h i tin gA ve nu e

KeyWest Bight

Sunse t

SunsetKey Ferry

H i l to

nHa venDriv

Galleon Marina

KeyWest Bight Ferry Terminal


Simonton Street Beach



Garrison Bight

KeyFe rr y

Naval Air Station Key West Peary Court

Grinnell Street

Historic Seaport

5thS treet

Lower Duval

4 t h Stree t

Roosevelt Boulevard

o rt h

Flem i ng St r e e t Eaton Street


The Meadows

George Street

K e yWes t - D r y T o r t u g a s Na t i on a l P a r k

Ma i n ShipC h a nn e l


Horace O'Bryant Middle School

An g ela St r e et KeyWest Cemetery

StaplesAv enue


Pier B

1 stS tre et

Truman Annex1

Bayview Park

Simonto nStreet Sou thar dStreet

A s hb yS tr ee t

White Street Gallery District


Duncan Street


Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Shipyard Condominiums

Old Town

W atson Street

Key West High School

Northwest Channel


Joseph i neStreet

Whi t ehead Street

Geo r geSt r ee t

Bertha Street

Packer Street

Ma rgaretSt

Duval Street

AshbySt r eet

Un i tedStree t

V onPh i s t er S t ree t Flagler Av enue



Atlantic Bou l evar d

LaBrisa Condominiums

Catherine Str eet

L a i r d Stre et

Bahama Village

Casa Marina

Truman Waterfront Park Amphitheater

Indigenous Park

Casa Ma r i n aC o ur t J ohn s on S t r eet

Upper Duval

Fort Street

Fort Zachary Taylor Historic StatePark

Waddell Avenue

Naval Air Station Key West Truman Annex


Truman Beach


Edward B. Knight Pier

Legend Duval Loop Daily Avg. Ridership 12 - 13 14 - 33 34 - 43 44 - 62 63 - 111

Duval Loop Route Key West Existing Routes





APPENDIX — Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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