Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

Appendix D: Public Involvement Activities

Phase I | Survey

City of Key West 10-Year Transit Development Plan

The following questions are optional. Your personal information will be kept private and not connected to your responses.

The City of Key West is developing a major update to it’s 10-Year Transit Development Plan for 2025-2034. The TDP helps determine future transit improvements over the next 10 years and provides insight on the role of transit in making the City of Key West a great place to live and work. As part of this effort, the City of Key West is collecting information about your travel experiences and soliciting feedback to help improve Key West’s transit services. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated and your response will be kept anonymous.

11. What IMPROVEMENTS would make Key West Transit better? (Select all that apply)  More frequent service (bus service every ½ hour rather than 1 hour, etc.)  Expanded service hours for late night/early morning service  More availability of Key West Rides (micro transit service)  Improve bus stops (amenities, shelters, etc.)  Improve pedestrian/bicycle access to the bus stop areas  Other (please specify) 12. Overall, how satisfied are you with Key West Transit’s service? Select a score where 10 is the MOST satisfied and 1 is the LEAST satisfied. 10   Least Most 13. How do you usually get information on bus service? (Please select only one)  SMS Text Message from Key West Transit  Google Wallet App  Token Transit App  Printed bus schedule  City of Key West website  Internet Search (i.e., Google, bing, or similar)  Bus drivers  Bus signs/shelters  Friend / relative  Other (please specify) 14. Do you own a Smartphone?  Yes, it’s a smartphone with a data plan / internet connectivity  Yes, but I have no data plan  No 15. Do you have a valid driver's license?  Yes  No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Your age range

 Under 18  18-24  25-49  50-64  65 or older

6. What is the MOST IMPORTANT reason you ride the bus? (Select all that apply)  I do not have a valid driver’s license  I do not have access to a car/vehicle  Parking is too expensive/difficult  I am unable to drive

1. Which routes or service do you use? (Select all that apply)  Duval Loop  Lower Keys Shuttle  Workforce Express  Key West Rides (Microtransit) 2. What is the reason you use Key West Transit (Select all that apply)  Connect to/from work  Pleasure/Recreational Purposes/ Access to Entertainment  Attend medical appointments  Attend school or college  Shopping/errands  Other (please specify) 3. How do you get to the bus stop? (Select all that apply)  Walk  Wheelchair  Bicycle  Drive & Park  Get dropped off  Use Key West Rides microtransit service  Other (please specify) 4. How long does it take you to get to the bus stop?  Less than 5 minutes  5 - 10 minutes  More than 10 minutes 5. Typically, how many ONE-WAY trips do you take per week?

2. Range of your total household income for 2024

 Less than $20,000  $20,000 - $39,999  $40,000 - $59,999  $60,000 – $74,999  $75,000 or greater

 The bus is more convenient  The bus fits my budget better  The bus is safer/less stressful  Other (please specify)

3. What is your employment status?  Student

7. If the bus was not available, what other mode of transportation would you use?  Drive personal vehicle  Ride with someone  Taxi / Uber / Lyft  Walk or bike

 Full-time employed  Part-time employed  Retired  Unemployed

 Wouldn’t make the trip  Other (please specify)

4. Which race or ethnicity best describes you? (Select all that apply)

 African American/Black  American Indian or Alaska Native  Asian  Caucasian/White  Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  Other

8. How many working vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trucks, vans) are at your home?  None  1  2  3 or more 9. How long have you been using Key West Transit?

5. Are you Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin?  Yes  No

 Less than 6 months  6 months to 1 year

6. Do you have a disability?  Yes  No

 1 to 3 years  3 to 5 years  Longer than 5 years 10. What is your usual bus fare?  Full

 1 -2 trips  3 - 4 trips  5 or more trips

 Disabled/Disadvantaged/Military  Student  Senior

Thank you for your feedback!

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APPENDIX — Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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