Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034
Proposed Alternatives
Alternative Evaluation Process Transit Markets
Productivity & Efficiency Transit agencies typically utilize ridership productivity to measure productivity and cost-efficiency measures used by to determine how well it utilizes funding resources. A transit alternative with great productivity and cost-efficiency should have a high potential to increase generated ridership with less cost per trip. The measurement used in this criterion was obtained from the output of TBEST 2034 ridership data. Measure Thresholds and Scoring Methodology As noted on the following page in Table ES-5 , there is no difference for weighting the three main evaluation categories; each of them shares 33.3%. The measure thresholds for each evaluation criteria were calculated on the range of data results divided into thirds; 1 – Good, 2 – Better and 3- Best. Then, a final score of each transit alternative was determined by summarizing the scores of three evaluation categories. A higher score is consistent with a higher ranking for a given alternative for the criterion being evaluated.
The transit demand markets were assessed into two perspectives including Traditional Market using Transit Orientation Index (TOI) and Discretionary Transit Market using Density Threshold Assessment (DTA). Other transit market was also evaluated for the connectivity to key activity centers/hubs locally and regionally. The market analyses used GIS-based tools at Census Block Group level to evaluate whether the transit alternatives are providing a great service and covering geographic areas with high demand in using transit. Traditional Market – illustrates the potential for traditional transit market where the geographic areas historically have had a higher propensity to use transit and are dependent on public transit for their transportation needs. Five of 50 census block groups were identify with a “High” or “Very High” TOI. The percentage of corridor for each transit alternative within those areas was calculated. Discretionary Market – illustrates the potential transit market by examining the relationship between population and employment density, and propensity to choose to use transit. Potential riders living or working in higher‐density areas have a higher propensity to use transit or are dependent on public transit for their transportation needs. 33 of 50 census block groups meet “Minimum” Density Threshold Assessment (DTA) threshold. The proportion of each corridor for transit alternative within those areas then was calculated. Local/Regional Market – to evaluate whether the transit alternatives have a good connection to local and regionally, a number of major activity centers or hubs were identified. If a transit alternative route relates to more key hubs, a higher score will be rated. This market analysis was conducted using a GIS-based tool.
Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034
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