Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034
7.2 Transit Network
The Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool (T-BEST) incorporates various factors to account for the tourist and seasonal resident markets in its forecasts including the following: Socio-Economic Data: T-BEST uses updated socio-economic data, including demographic tables and employment data, which reflect the seasonal variations in population due to tourists and seasonal residents1. Land Use and Special Generators: The model includes land use data and special generators, such as tourist attractions and seasonal housing areas, to better estimate transit demand in regions with high tourist activity 1 . Ridership Estimation Models: T-BEST’s ridership estimation models are adjusted to account for the unique travel patterns of tourists and seasonal residents. This includes variations in travel demand during peak tourist seasons1. Network Accessibility and Connectivity: The tool evaluates network accessibility and connectivity, considering the influx of tourists and seasonal residents, which can affect transit routes and stop-level demand 2 . These features help T-BEST provide more accurate and reliable forecasts for transit planning in areas with significant tourist and seasonal resident populations.
7.2 Transit Network The transit route network for the existing Key West transit system was created using General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data for Key West Transit as of December 3, 2023. The GTFS data were verified to ensure the most recent bus service spans and headways were used. 7.3 Socioeconomic Data The base socioeconomic data used in TBEST was obtained from the downloadable Florida 2023 Socioeconomic Data Package, which includes the following: » 2020 Census Geography and demographic tables » 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates » 2020 LEHD Employment Data » 2022 Florida Parcel Land Use Data The model uses the socioeconomic data inputs to estimate transit market demand captures market demand within ¼-mile of each stop. For estimating future year demand, TBEST relies on growth rates to project population and employment data. This is accomplished in one of two ways: countywide growth rates from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) or forecasted socioeconomic data by TAZ obtained from the Florida Statewide Travel Demand Model.
1 What’s new in TBEST 4.8 – TBEST 2 Microsoft Word - Article on TBEST_CUTRLines
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Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034
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