Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034

8.2 Prioritizing Transit Service Improvements

Table 8-2: Measure Thresholds and Scoring Methodology

Measure Thresholds

Scoring Methodology

Evaluation Category Evaluation Criteria

Measure of Effectiveness

Level of interest in specific alternatives (Very High, High, Moderate, None) Percent of corridor in “High” or “Very High” transit orientation area Percent of corridor area that meet “Minimum” Density Threshold Assessment (DTA) threshold for employment or dwelling unit density Connectivity to key activity centers/hubs locally and regionally Trips per hour (TBEST generated trips per revenue hour of service)

Public Outreach

Survey Results

Traditional Market

Range of data results divided into thirds

3- Best; 2 - Better; 1 - Good

Transit Markets

Discretionary Market

Local/Regional Market


Productivity & Efficiency

Cost Efficiency

Cost per trip (including new trips)

Page 108

Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034

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