Key West Transit Development Plan FY2025-2034
10.3 Financial Strategies for Implementation
The FDOT District 6 Office of Modal Development is a partner agency of the Key West transit system and is a valuable resource for the planning and implementation of transit projects in Key West and the service region.
10.3.7 FDOT District 4 and 6 Commuter Services Program About: FDOT also provides financial and technical assistance to promote alternatives to commuters driving alone through the South Florida Commuter Services (SFCS) Program. The goal of the program is to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in South Florida through a variety of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies. SFCS’ primary activities involve advocating for and highlighting the benefits of the following: » Carpooling: 2+ people commuting together » Vanpooling: 4-15 people commuting together in a state sponsored van or SUV » Working From Home: Individuals carrying out the majority of their work activities from home » Flexible Work Schedules: Working full-time but commuting outside of morning and afternoon rush hours » Transit: An alternative to driving offering regular, economical & dependable transit » Bicycling: The greenest, healthiest option for commuting » Walking: Healthy option for commuters who live close to their place of employment » Park & Ride Facilities: The most convenient place to meet for a commuting option – usually free » Guaranteed Ride Home: In the event of an unforeseen circumstance, the government will pay for commuters’ rides home The Commuter Services program can support implementation of this TDP in future to support marketing efforts.
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Transit Development Plan FY 2025–2034
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