Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
and access points to ensure adequate transit, bicycle, and pedestrian site access and promote these modes in place of single occupant vehicles.
transportation disadvantaged people within the city limits. Coordination between Miami-Dade and the City of Key West is encouraged to keep connectivity and options for transportation opportunities. Addresses land use, transportation, capital projects, public facilities, recreation, government coordination, conservation, and development among other city goals. 4.1.7 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan: Update 2016 The County’s Comprehensive Plan prescribes transit supportive goals, objectives, and policies, such as need to developing regulations that require new developments to become more
• Bicycle and pedestrian connections from residential areas will be provided.
• Site plan review and traffic circulation system will encourage transit-friendly design features along roadways. 4.1.6 City of Key West Comprehensive Plan Major Update 2013. The comprehensive plan provides goals for development of coordinated transportation system for residents, visitors, and
Figure 4.4:Key West Comprehensive Plan
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