Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis

em design, testing, and rollout. ormed about the progress of the integrated fare payment s, and opportunities for feedback and input. developing and implementing fare payment systems for


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, County portion of capital equipment costs

ology vendors to establish partnerships for designing and

ber within the cross-functional team, including nance, planning, engineering, and public relations. esponsibilities to identify gaps in expertise or coverage ll sets, experience, and qualifications. ty staff, such as Transit Operations Manager, based on the the project scope. tified roles that are unfilled by existing county staff, to ensure alignment with the goals of the cross-functional vacant positions within the cross-functional team, including erviews, and making hiring decisions based on the needs and ts for the integrated fare payment system, considering factors pport, and security enhancements. costs of system maintenance and updates over the project stments in technology upgrades or enhancements. or system maintenance and updates, prioritizing investments s, and alignment with organizational priorities and g devices suitable for transit vehicles, considering factors ty with existing systems. ology vendors to establish partnerships for installing GPS nts, timelines, and deliverables. eploy GPS tracking devices on transit vehicles, ensuring fleet management systems and communication networks. ces with existing transit apps and signage systems, llenges. rating tracking data with existing transit apps and signage s for passengers. to implement the necessary software updates and ta and transit apps/signage systems. d tracking data system across different transit services, vers and staff on the features, functionalities, and operation of anuals, instructional videos, and hands-on exercises. de hands-on experience and guidance on using the new learning styles and skill levels. ed trainers or subject matter experts, allowing drivers and edback and support as needed. ts for the tracking and communication systems, including nd security enhancements. costs of system maintenance and updates over the project estments in technology upgrades or enhancements. r system maintenance and updates, prioritizing investments s, and alignment with organizational priorities and s-functional team, providing orientation, training, and with existing staff members. r the development and adoption of the ten-year planning rces. ources are allocated throughout the planning process. xisting resources to support the implementation of the ten s, transit users, local businesses, government agencies, bjectives, methods, and timeline for conducting consultations, s to inform stakeholders about the consultation process, nd preferences. nnels, ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and accessibility for unding sources within the organization for infrastructure ructure improvements along US-1 based on the ransportation Master Plan. ommunity organizations, and advocacy groups. collaboration with identified stakeholders, such as regular m stakeholders on their priorities and preferences for transit demand, equity, accessibility, and sustainability. o evaluate and prioritize transit infrastructure projects based nd stakeholders to assist in conducting the feasibility studies nical, environmental, social, and economic aspects. ements, including existing conditions, projected demand, ensitivities. der factors such as cost-effectiveness, technical feasibility, ives, methods, and timelines for gathering feedback on ctives, demographics, and accessibility needs. s to inform the community about the proposed improvements, , and informational materials. nity members to solicit feedback, answer questions, and ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and accessibility. common themes, preferences, and areas of concern related ives, methods, and timelines for gathering feedback on ctives, demographics, and accessibility needs. s to inform the community about the proposed improvements, , and informational materials. nity members to solicit feedback, answer questions, and ensuring inclusivity, transparency, and accessibility. gn of transit improvements, where feasible and appropriate, s. mute with Enterprise program, considering factors such as gn of transit improvements, where feasible and appropriate, rating the new fare payment system with existing transit mless user experience across different touchpoints. rs to implement the necessary software updates, hardware etween the new fare payment system and existing transit d fare payment system across different transit services, and performance before full-scale deployment. financing options such as grants, bonds, public-private and environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for proposed ted transit services to validate functionality, usability, and ty, functionality, and effectiveness of the new payment -world usage by passengers. te in user testing sessions, ensuring representation from s to capture a comprehensive range of feedback and orm passengers about the new payment system, ions, and interactive workshops to familiarize them m with existing transit infrastructure to identify integration


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, Consultant Fees









FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, County portion of capital equipment costs



FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, County portion of capital funds for equip operations

Fiscal Year 2024 -


FDOT; Monroe Municipalities; Chamber of Commerce

Staff Time Additional Staff & Budget


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, Consultant Fees


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, County portion of capital equipment costs


FDOT; Monroe County BOCC/OMB; Monroe Municipalities/Consultants FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time, Consultant Fees Staff Time, Consultant Fees


Monroe Municipalities; The Health Council of South Florida, Inc. Chamber of Commerce FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Key West Transit

Staff Time Staff Time, County portion of capital equipment costs


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Monroe County; Monroe Municipalities

Staff Time, Consultant Fees


Monroe County BOCC; Monroe Municipalities

Staff Time


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Monroe County; Monroe Municipalities

Staff Time, Consultant Fees


Municipality PIOs; Monroe County Staff

Staff Time


FDOT; Miami Dade Transit; Monroe County; Monroe Municipalities

Capital costs to be estimated in project planning & design of improvements


FDOT; Monroe Municipalities; Chamber of Commerce

Staff Time, County portion of service costs, if applicable

ting resources to support the Commute with Enterprise

resources are allocated including any necessary investments

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