Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis



4.3 State & Federal Plans

The state and federal plans reviewed for this analysis do not specify recommendations for Monroe County. However, recommendations based on the general goals and objectives mentioned in the plans such as new technologies and policy issues have implications for public transit services in the County.

Figure 4.9:2060 FTP

4.3.1 Florida Transportation Plan: Horizon 2060 The transportation plan is required, per Florida Statutes, pursuit to make Florida’s economy more competitive and communities more livable. The plan looks at 50-year transportation planning horizon and calls for fundamental change in how and where State invests in transportation. Supports development of state, regional, and local transit services through series of related goals and objectives, emphasizing new and innovative approaches by all modes to meet needs today and in the future.

4.3.2 State of Florida Transportation Disadvantaged Five-Year/Twenty-Year Plan The plan’s purpose is to accomplish cost effective, efficient, unduplicated, cohesive TD services in service area. The plan recommends CTCs develop and field-test model community transportation systems for persons who are transportation disadvantaged and create a strategy for FCTD to support development of a universal transportation system.

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