Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis



8.2 State Funding

Figure 8.4:Transit Riders in Goverment Center, Miami

8.2.1 Commuter Assistance Program The Commuter Assistance Program is authorized in Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and specific program guidelines are provided in FDOT Procedure Topic Number 725-030-008. The Commuter Assistance Program was established to encourage public/private partnerships to provide brokerage services to employers and individuals for carpools, vanpools, buspools, express bus service, subscription

transit service, group taxi services, heavy and light rail, and other systems designed to increase vehicle occupancy. The program encourages the use of transportation demand management strategies including employee trip reduction planning; Transportation Demand Management Association activities; alternative work hour programs such as telecommuting and 8 compressed work weeks; parking management; and bicycle and pedestrian programs. Funding for the Commuter

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