Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis



intermodal or multimodal movement of people and goods.

include those capital projects that support the Strategic Intermodal System (SIS). NSTP projects may be used to support final design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction projects. The NSTP will follow the selection guidelines of the FTA Section 5309 New Starts Program. Proposed projects should have political support, be included in local plans, and have a dedicated funding commitment. To receive funding, a project must have either a Record of Decision (ROD) from the Federal Transit Administration or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). Funds may be transferred from the FDOT Central Office Incentive Account to any FDOT district office and are programmed

8.2.4 New Starts Transit Program (NSTP)

and constructing fixed-guideway and bus rapid transit projects to accommodate and manage urban growth and development. A secondary purpose of the program is to leverage State of Florida funds to generate local transportation revenues and secure FTA New Starts Program funding for Florida projects. 10 Eligible projects The New Starts Transit Program was established by the 2005 Florida Legislature to assist local governments in developing

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Figure 8.5:New Starts Transit Program

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