Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis



8.2.8 Transit Corridor Program The Transit Corridor Program is authorized in Chapter 341, Florida Statutes and specific program guidelines are provided in FDOT Procedure Topic Number 725-030-003. The Transit Corridor Program provides funding to Community Transportation Coordinators or transit agencies to support new services within specific corridors when the services are designed and expected to help reduce or alleviate congestion or other mobility issues within the corridor. Transit Corridor funds are discretionary and are distributed based on documented need. Transit Corridor Program funds may be used for capital or operating expenses. Eligible projects must be identified in a Transit Development Plan, Congestion Management System Plan, or

other formal study undertaken by a public agency. The FDOT Central Office annually reviews all existing (i.e., currently approved and operating as of the annual review) Transit Corridor projects and allocates, to the respective FDOT district office sufficient funds to cover these ongoing projects. First priority for funding under this program is for existing projects to meet their adopted goals and objectives. Any remaining funds are allocated to the each of the districts by formula, based on each district’s percentage of the total state urbanized population. Projects are funded at one-half the non-federal share. Projects designed to 14 alleviate congestion in a region may receive funding at up to 100 percent.

Figure 8.6:South Dade TransitWay

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