Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
Appendix IV
1.A.1 Establish a cross-functional team to develop a Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan. 1.A.4 Allocate resources for ongoing maintenance and updates to the MaaS platform.
1.A.1.1 Define the roles and responsibilities of each team memb representatives from relevant departments such as operations, fin 1.A.1.2: Conduct an analysis of existing county staff roles and re within the cross-functional team, considering factors such as skil 1.A.1.3: Identify specific roles that are unfilled by existing count needs and objectives of the cross-functional team as outlined in t 1.A.1.4: Develop job descriptions and requirements for the ident outlining responsibilities, qualifications, and desired experience team. 1.A.1.5: Conduct recruitment and selection processes to fill the v advertising job openings, reviewing applications, conducting inte priorities of the project. 1.A.1.6: Onboard and integrate new team members into the cross support to ensure a smooth transition and effective collaboration 1.A.4.1 Assess the technical requirements and dependencies of t ongoing maintenance and updates, including software licenses, s 1.A.4.2 Develop a budget allocation plan that identifies the fund updates to the MaaS platform, considering factors such as softwa 1.A.4.3 Establish processes and procedures for monitoring the pe regular system checks, data backups, and contingency plans for h 1.A.4.4 Coordinate with relevant stakeholders, such as IT depart collaboration in implementing ongoing maintenance and updates 2.B.1.1 Identify key stakeholders within Monroe County T the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) who wi representation from relevant departments and agencies res planning. 2.B.1.2 Establish communication channels and meeting sc collaboration and coordination in developing the asset man information sharing among members. 2.B.1.3 Collaborate with working group members to devel and best practices for optimizing the lifecycle managemen replacement schedules, and budget allocations, to ensure s 2.B.2.1 Gather data on the current fleet composition, including v baseline for assessing sustainability performance. 2.B.2.2 Evaluate the environmental impact of the current fleet, c carbon footprint, using established sustainability metrics and me 2.B.2.3 Identify opportunities for sustainability improvements in implementing energy-efficient technologies, optimizing vehicle r practices. 2.B.2.4 Develop a comprehensive sustainability improvement pl environmental benefits, cost-effectiveness, and feasibility, and es monitoring. 2.B.3.1 Research alternative fuels and vehicle technologies suita infrastructure requirements, environmental benefits, and cost-eff 2.B.3.2 Assess the feasibility and potential impact of adopting al maintenance, and lifecycle costs, using data analysis and modelin 2.B.3.3 Collaborate with stakeholders, including fleet managers, agencies, to develop strategies and implementation plans for flee learned from similar initiatives. 2.B.3.4 Pilot test selected alternative fuels and vehicle technolog effectiveness, and gathering feedback from drivers, maintenance and refinement of the strategies. 2.B.4.1 Define sustainability goals related to fleet operations suc efficiency, and increasing the use of alternative fuels. 2.B.4.2 Identify relevant performance metrics and key performan sustainability goals, ensuring they are quantifiable, actionable, a 2.B.4.3 Establish baseline measurements for the selected perform benchmarks, to provide a reference point for tracking progress ov 2.B.4.4 Implement systems and processes for regularly collecting 2.B.5.1 Review the asset management plan to identify the fundin including replacements, repairs, and enhancements. 2.B.5.2 Assess the current budget allocation and available fundin maintenance, considering factors such as operational needs, regu 2.B.5.3 Develop a budget allocation plan that aligns with the rec prioritizing investments in fleet upgrades and maintenance based 1.A.2.1 Assess current resource availability and requirements for analysis, including personnel, financial, and technological resour 1.A.2.2 Develop a budget allocation plan to ensure adequate reso 1.A.2.3 Identify potential sources of funding or reallocation of ex year planning analysis. 1.A.3.1 Identify key stakeholders, including community members advocacy groups, and other relevant parties. 1.A.3.2 Develop a stakeholder engagement plan outlining the ob including meetings, surveys, focus groups, and public forums. 1.A.3.3 Design communication materials and outreach strategies encourage participation, and solicit feedback on service needs an 1.A.3.4 Facilitate stakeholder consultations through various chan 2.B.1.1 Assess the current budgetary allocation and available fu projects. 2.B.1.2 Identify potential funding gaps and explore alternative f partnerships, or reallocating existing resources. 2.B.1.3 Develop a funding allocation plan that prioritizes infrastr recommendations from Task #162 and the overall goals of the Tr 2.B.2.1 Identify key stakeholders including local governments, co 2.B.2.2 Establish communication channels and mechanisms for c meetings, working groups, and joint planning sessions. 2.B.2.3 Facilitate discussions and workshops to gather input from infrastructure investments, considering factors such as ridership 2.B.2.4 Collaboratively develop criteria or scoring frameworks to on agreed-upon objectives and priorities. 2.B.3.1 Define the scope and objectives of the feasibility studies transit infrastructure enhancements. proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Document and analyze community feedback, identifying to the proposed transit improvements. 2.B.4.5 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig to ensure alignment with community needs, values, and priorities 3.C.1.1 Assess the resource requirements for deploying the Comm personnel, technology, marketing, and operational costs. 3.C.1.2 Identify potential funding sources or reallocation of exist program. 3.C.1.3 Develop a budget allocation plan that ensures adequate r in infrastructure, technology, or personnel. 3.C.2.2: Identify suitable real-time monitoring solutions, s sensors, and mobile applications, that can provide timely a locations, and service disruptions. 3.C.2.3: Deploy and integrate the selected real-time monit compatibility with existing infrastructure and data manage to use and interpret the data effectively. 3.C.3.1 Assess the current resources and capabilities for data col agency, including personnel, technology, and budgetary allocatio 3.C.3.2 Identify additional resource requirements for enhancing d considering factors such as the scale of operations, complexity of 3.C.3.3 Develop a budget allocation plan that earmarks funds for prioritizing investments in technology upgrades, staff training, an 3.C.3.4 Implement performance metrics and key performance ind
2.B.1 Form a working group with representatives from Monroe County Transit, FTA, and FDOT to develop the asset management plan.
1.A.2 Allocate resources for the development and adoption of the ten-year planning analysis. 2.B.2 Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current fleet to identify opportunities for sustainability improvements.
1.A.3 Conduct stakeholder consultations to gather input on service needs and preferences.
Transit Asset Management Plan
Table A.V.5: Part 5 of Strategy Monitoring Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan Service and Mobility Hub Infrastructure Investment ing Services Data Analytics for Comprehensive Transit Planning
all participants. 2.B.1 Allocate funding for infrastructure improvements along US-1 in alignment with Task #162 of the Transportation Master Plan. 2.B.3 Develop strategies for fleet optimization, including the adoption of alternative fuels and vehicle technologies.
2.B.2 Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to prioritize investments in transit infrastructure.
2.B.4 Establish performance metrics to track progress towards sustainability goals.
2.B.3 Conduct feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments for proposed enhancements.
2.B.3.2 Identify and engage with relevant experts, consultants, an and EIAs, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to address techn 2.B.3.3 Collect and analyze data related to the proposed enhance land use patterns, regulatory requirements, and environmental se 2.B.3.4 Evaluate the feasibility and potential impacts and consid community benefits, and environmental sustainability. 2.B.4 Engage with the community to gather feedback on proposed improvements. 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti 2.B.5 Allocate funding for fleet upgrades and maintenance in alignment with the asset management plan. 3.C.1 Develop predictive models to forecast ridership trends and optimize routes. 3.C.1.1: Gather historical ridership data from transit services, in route performance metrics, to build a comprehensive dataset for 3.C.1.2: Utilize statistical techniques to develop predictive mode such as time of day, day of week, seasonality, weather conditions 3.C.1.3: Implement route optimization algorithms that leverage t 3.C.2 Implement real-time monitoring systems to respond to changing demand patterns. 3.C.2.1: Evaluate existing technology and infrastructure to and integration capabilities. 2.B.5 Implement enhancements to bus stop amenities and infrastructure based on prioritization in the county’s TMP.
3.C.1 Allocate resources for enhancements to the Commute with Enterprise program. 3.C.3 Allocate resources for ongoing data collection, analysis, and optimization efforts.
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