Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
2.2 Activity Density and Transit Propensity In most urban settings, population and employment density are important indicators of the potential for transit ridership. Potential ridership demand, or propensity, also is strongly driven by socioeconomic characteristics such as household income, race/ethnicity, and access to personal vehicles. This section analyzes key socioeconomic indicators, population, and job density to explore the relationship between transit propensity and the level of transit service offered. The main findings of the analysis are summarized here, with detailed datasets provided in Appendix I for reference. Based on the 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates, Monroe County’s population stood at 82,244, a 12.2% rise from 2010 to 2021. In comparison, US population increased by 7.3%, while Florida experienced 15.6% growth during the same period. The population density in Monroe County was 0.13 people per square mile, whereas within Key West, the population density was higher at 1.21 people per square mile. In the 2020 Census and LEHD-LODES WAC data analyzed by Census block, Monroe County had a total employment of 34,616. On average, Monroe County residents are younger, have higher incomes, are more likely to be white, less likely to be elderly or disabled, and more likely to have access to a vehicle than other Florida residents. However, the numbers of lower-income, minority, elderly, and disabled residents, and people living in zero-car households in
the county are significant. The county has a significant number of low-wage jobs, defined as jobs with earnings less than $1,250 per month. In Monroe County, these jobs accounted for 35% of the total employment, while within Key West, the percentage was 30.8%. Additionally, jobs held by minority workers, those self-identifying as any races other than “white,” constituted 17% of total employment in Monroe County and 15.0% within Key West, showcasing a significant presence of minority workers in both areas. The minority population in Key West is 45%, Whereas the overall minority population in Monroe County is 30%. Prominent employers in the region include the US Naval Station, Monroe County Schools, Ocean Reef Club (Key Largo), Publix, Monroe County Sheriff, and the Lower Keys Medical Center. The Florida Keys draw in more than five million annual visitors, with one million coming from foreign countries. 2.3 Census Analysis A series of maps containing socio economic and demographic data based on the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates for 2021 (census block group level) and the U.S. Census 2020 block level and are located in Appendix I and organized as follows: Monroe County, Key West, Key West Service Area, Key Largo and Duck Key. The maps on the following pages show the geographic distribution of people and jobs throughout the county.
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