Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
Existing Conditions
agency, by an employer, or by individuals signing up for ride share matching on local or regional government websites or on Enterprise’s commuter services website. Enterprise matches groups of commuters traveling from a residential area to an individual employer or employment center and works with them to form the van pool group. The group of commuters chooses one of their members to serve as volunteer driver, and Enterprise verifies that the proposed driver has a clean driving record. Enterprise provides the vehicle (usually a 15 passenger van), insurance, and vehicle maintenance for the service for a fee that is invoiced to the members of the van pool group each month. Enterprise can provide the group with a fuel card for fueling the vehicle; the cost of fuel purchases made on the card then are invoiced to the group together with the monthly van cost, making it easier for the commuters to divide the costs among the group. Government agencies frequently enter into arrangements to subsidize all or part of the cost of the van pools, and locally FDOT and MDT are covering part of the cost of Enterprise van pools. As of early 2023, there were eight Enterprise vans connecting groups in the Florida City area to employers in Monroe County. Monroe County entered into a partnership with Enterprise in 2023 to provide flexible services to meet the commuter demands. Enterprise is projecting operation of 25 van pools under the program, carrying 75,600 Unlinked Passenger Trips (UPTs).
Fares (single ride, volume discounts, elderly/disabled/ similar discounts, fare media, etc.) : Effective August 15, 2009 In-County Trips: $2.00 per trip (for any and all trips within Monroe County regardless of pick up or drop off destinations) Out-of- County Trips: $5.00 per trip (for all trips out of Monroe County when scheduling allows) Riders’ fee’s will only be waived for health aides and others escorting the disabled passenger.
Ridership, productivity and service reliability are reported to the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged as part of the Annual Operating Report. For 2022, GCC reported:
Annual Ridership: 38,653 Annual Vehicle Miles: 327,436
Cost per Mile: $6.35 Cost per Trip: $53.7
2.9 Commute with Enterprise
Commute with Enterprise is a program through which Enterprise Rent-a-Car works with local and regional transportation officials or employers to organize van pools. Van pools can be initiated by a public
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