Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
4.2 Regional Plans
The regional plans for Monroe County highlight the U.S. 1 corridor and Miami Dade County comprehensive studies and strategies. The Monroe County US 1 Transportation Master Plan (TMP), completed in 2021, provides a detailed action plan to enhance traffic flow and safety. The Miami-Dade Transit Development Plan (TDP) emphasizes expanding regional services, including connectivity via the Dade-Monroe Express (Route 301).
Figure 4.5:Miami Dade Transit TDP
4.2.1 2023 Draft U.S. 1 Arterial Travel Time and Delay Study The U.S. 1 Arterial Travel Time and Delay Study was completed by the County’s traffic engineering consultant who conducts an established systematic traffic monitoring program to monitor traffic volumes and travel speeds of U.S. 1 as well as on each of the 24 study segments on U.S. 1. This review was conducted annually starting in 1992 and every two years since 2013. The 2023 draft study utilized an updated methodology and indicates that the overall LOS for the entire length of U.S. Highway
1 has fallen from LOS C to D, and there is no reserve capacity for additional trips. According to the approved policies and regulations in the Comprehensive Plan and LDC, this could mean that the County may not permit new development, other than single-family homes, unless the proposed development’s traffic impact is mitigated. With the draft study indicating an overall LOS D on U.S. 1 with a median speed of 44.7 miles-per-hour, an applicant would need to work with the County and FDOT to identify mitigation and improvement projects to achieve and maintain compliance with the implemented LOS,
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