Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis



4.2.2 Monroe County US 1 Transportation Master Plan: Completed November 2021 As part of the Monroe County 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the U.S. 1 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) addresses an intermodal transportation system and considers climate change impacts. The plan was developed in coordination with municipalities, stakeholders and Miami-Dade County. The TMP reviewed existing data such as traffic volumes, crash data, transit data and included stakeholder input to develop improvement opportunities and solutions including roadway and multimodal needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and vehicular traffic. The primary objective of this study is to identify transportation needs, develop goals/objectives, and develop an action plan to meet those goals. The action plan will identify potential short-term solutions (1-5 years), mid-term (6-10 years), and long-term solutions (10-20 years). In November 2021, the BOCC adopted Resolution 408-2021 providing recommendations from the potential solution list of projects within Appendix G of the TMP to improve traffic flow, alleviate congestion, improve safety and assist in improving the Level of Service (LOS) on U.S. 1.

represented by a median speed of 45 mph.

The 2023 draft study requires approval by the Monroe County BOCC, after which professional staff will incorporate it into the Biennial Assessment of Public Facilities Capacity Report, which is usually presented for adoption at the October or November BOCC meeting and would then be used for development review. The Monroe County BOCC will discuss the 2023 draft study at the regularly scheduled Sept. 20, 2023, BOCC meeting

Figure 4.6:Monroe County US 1 Study

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