Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
provides incentives to local governments to protect resources identified in their local government comprehensive plans. This protection involves the conservation of natural resources and resolving land use issues by implementing conservation, recreation, open space, and coastal management elements. 8.3.7 Florida Recreation and Development Assistance Grant Program The Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides funds for the above
program by the following breakdown of costs: no match for the first $50,000 of program costs; 25 percent match for $50,000 – $150,000 of program costs; and 50 percent match for program costs over $150,000. 8.3.8 Greenways and Rails-to Trails Program The Office of Greenways and Trails in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for developing and maintaining a comprehensive plan for a statewide system of greenways and trails. It also implements concepts
Figure 8.10: Jewfish Creek Bridge
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