Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
route, including potential county sponsorship. 4.D.2.4 Generate implementation plan options with key factors i fare structure, and operational logistics. 4.D.2.5 Evaluate the pros and cons of each option in terms of cos sustainability.
4.D.3 Utilize the Key West & Miami-Dade Transit Development Plans as roadmaps for expanding services and funding.
4.D.3.1 Review and analyze the Key West Transit Development implementation strategies for expanding transit services. 4.D.3.2 Identify funding sources and opportunities outlined in th partnerships, and fare revenue, to support the expansion of trans 4.D.3.3 Develop an implementation plan that aligns with the rec Development Plan, prioritizing actions and investments to achiev Appendix IV
& Miami-Dade T
Continue Coordination w
4.D.4 Allocate resources for implementing expanded services and infrastructure improvements.
4.D.4.1 Assess current resource availability and requirements fo improvements, including personnel, equipment, funding, and tec 4.D.4.2 Develop a budget allocation plan that identifies the nece proposed service expansions and infrastructure improvements. 4.D.4.3 Present the budget allocation plan to relevant stakeholde and funding partners, for review and approval, ensuring alignme
1.A.1 Establish a cross-functional team to develop a Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan. 5.E.1 Leverage the existing partnerships with technology vendors to improve the tracking system across all transit services.
1.A.1.1 Define the roles and responsibilities of each team memb representatives from relevant departments such as operations, fin 1.A.1.2: Conduct an analysis of existing county staff roles and re within the cross-functional team, considering factors such as skil 1.A.1.3: Identify specific roles that are unfilled by existing count needs and objectives of the cross-functional team as outlined in t 1.A.1.4: Develop job descriptions and requirements for the ident outlining responsibilities, qualifications, and desired experience team. 1.A.1.5: Conduct recruitment and selection processes to fill the v advertising job openings, reviewing applications, conducting inte priorities of the project. 1.A.1.6: Onboard and integrate new team members into the cross support to ensure a smooth transition and effective collaboration 5.E.1.1 Evaluate the current tracking system used across all tran improvement in terms of accuracy, reliability, and user-friendlin 5.E.1.2 Engage with existing technology vendors to assess their c be integrated into the tracking system to address identified short 5.E.1.3 Collaborate with stakeholders, including transit operator feedback on desired features and functionalities for the improved 5.E.1.4 Develop a roadmap for upgrading the tracking system ba 5.E.2.1 Identify local advocacy groups and community organizati improvements, considering their reach, expertise, and alignment 5.E.2.2 Establish partnerships and collaborative relationships wi responsibilities, and objectives for the public awareness campaig shared goals. 5.E.2.3 Develop a comprehensive public awareness campaign str identification, communication channels, and key performance ind in promoting existing transit services and improvements. 1.A.2.1 Assess current resource availability and requirements for analysis, including personnel, financial, and technological resour 1.A.2.2 Develop a budget allocation plan to ensure adequate reso 1.A.2.3 Identify potential sources of funding or reallocation of ex year planning analysis. 5.E.3.1 Develop engaging and informative content tailored to eac outreach opportunity, ensuring consistency in messaging and bra 5.E.3.2 Establish a content calendar and schedule for posting on relevant transit-related topics to maximize audience engagement 5.E.3.3 Leverage partnerships with local community organization public awareness campaign through co-promotion, event collabo 1.A.3.1 Identify key stakeholders, including community members advocacy groups, and other relevant parties. 1.A.3.2 Develop a stakeholder engagement plan outlining the ob including meetings, surveys, focus groups, and public forums. 1.A.3.3 Design communication materials and outreach strategies encourage participation, and solicit feedback on service needs an 1.A.3.4 Facilitate stakeholder consultations through various chan 2.B.1.1 Assess the current budgetary allocation and available fu projects. 2.B.1.2 Identify potential funding gaps and explore alternative f partnerships, or reallocating existing resources. 2.B.1.3 Develop a funding allocation plan that prioritizes infrastr recommendations from Task #162 and the overall goals of the Tr 2.B.2.1 Identify key stakeholders including local governments, co 2.B.2.2 Establish communication channels and mechanisms for c meetings, working groups, and joint planning sessions. 2.B.2.3 Facilitate discussions and workshops to gather input from infrastructure investments, considering factors such as ridership 2.B.2.4 Collaboratively develop criteria or scoring frameworks to on agreed-upon objectives and priorities. 2.B.3.1 Define the scope and objectives of the feasibility studies transit infrastructure enhancements. 1.A.1.1 Identify key public and private stakeholders involv organizations, and private businesses to discuss the integra brand. 1.A.1.2 Conduct market research and analysis to understan informing the development of a unified brand strategy tha 1.A.1.3 Develop an implementation plan, including visual strategies, to ensure consistency across all touchpoints and 1.A.2.1 Define the objectives and scope of the pilot program incl 1.A.2.2 Identify and engage with potential partners and participa and local communities, to collaborate on the design and impleme 1.A.2.3 Develop metrics and evaluation criteria to assess the fea (MaaS) model, including factors such as user satisfaction, mode 1.A.2.4 Implement the pilot programs according to the defined p feedback from participants and stakeholders throughout the testi proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Document and analyze community feedback, identifying to the proposed transit improvements. 2.B.4.5 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig to ensure alignment with community needs, values, and priorities 3.C.1.1 Assess the resource requirements for deploying the Comm personnel, technology, marketing, and operational costs. 3.C.1.2 Identify potential funding sources or reallocation of exist program. 3.C.1.3 Develop a budget allocation plan that ensures adequate r in infrastructure, technology, or personnel. 1.A.3.2 Identify key areas within urban centers suitable for MaaS factors like population density, existing transit infrastructure, an 1.A.3.3 Ensure zoning regulations and land use policies support pick-up/drop-off zones, charging stations for electric vehicles, an
5.E.2 Coordinate with local advocacy groups to launch a comprehensive public awareness campaign to promote existing transit services and improvements.
1.A.2 Allocate resources for the development and adoption of the ten-year planning analysis. 5.E.3 Utilize social media, community events, and local outreach to reach a wide audience.
Technology Integration and Public Awareness
1.A.3 Conduct stakeholder consultations to gather input on service needs and preferences.
Table A.V.4: Part 4 of Strategy Monitoring Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan Service and Mobility Hub Infrastructure Investment ing Services Fiscal Year 2029 - 2033 Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
all participants. 2.B.1 Allocate funding for infrastructure improvements along US-1 in alignment with Task #162 of the Transportation Master Plan. 1.A.1 Collaborate with public and private stakeholders to integrate services and establish a consistent brand.
2.B.2 Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to prioritize investments in transit infrastructure.
1.A.2 Conduct pilot programs to test the feasibility and effectiveness of the MaaS model.
2.B.3 Conduct feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments for proposed enhancements.
2.B.3.2 Identify and engage with relevant experts, consultants, an and EIAs, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to address techn 2.B.3.3 Collect and analyze data related to the proposed enhance land use patterns, regulatory requirements, and environmental se 2.B.3.4 Evaluate the feasibility and potential impacts and consid community benefits, and environmental sustainability. 2.B.4 Engage with the community to gather feedback on proposed improvements. 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti 1.A.3 Integrate transportation and land use planning to help address housing and job access issues and prioritize transit as a viable transportation option. 1.A.3.1 Formulate urban planning guidelines that prioritize the i planning processes.
2.B.5 Implement enhancements to bus stop amenities and infrastructure based on prioritization in the county’s TMP.
3.C.1 Allocate resources for enhancements to the Commute with Enterprise program.
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