Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
Monroe County Transit Please take a few moments to fill out this survey to help Monroe County Transit plan for your transit needs. For the first eight questions about your trip, please provide information about the trip you are now taking. If you are not on the bus when taking this survey , please provide information about what route and service you used during your most recent trip on Key West Transit or MDT’s routes 301 or 302.
1. What is your home address?
Street (or nearest cross street)
ZIP Code
it the
2. Where are you coming from now?
Home Workplace School
Shopping Medical Appointment
Airport (as a visitor) Hotel (as a visitor)
Other (please specify)
3. What is the name of the place your are coming from?
4. What is the exact address of the place you are coming from right now? (or, the intersection where it is located, ex: “High Street at Main Street”)
Street (or nearest cross street:
ZIP Code
5. How did you get from the place in question 2 to this bus or rail service where you got this survey from?
Walked Transferred from another bus or rail transit services Road my own bike Ride a bike-share bike Wheelchair or mobility scooter
Uber/Lyft Taxi
Dropped off by someone
Drove alone and parked Rode with other people and parked
If transferred from another bus or rail service, please specify: Figure 2.22:Origin-Destination Survey Cover Page
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