WSP Energy

WSP USA Energy

Our Future Ready® Hydropower® Solutions WSP's work on hydropower projects is part of our Future Ready® approach to advancing the energy transition and using clean energy to power our communities of the future. We are leveraging the new electrification economy with a focus on pumped storage. ° Environmental, Licensing and Permitting ° Powerhouse Generation ° General Dam Safety ° Feasibility Assessments ° Engineering and Design ° Regulatory Compliance ° Construction Services ° Program and Project Management

Hydropower Harnessing the power of water to meet clean energy goals.

WSP has 30+ years of experience addressing challenges on dam, hydropower and major water resource projects, ranging in size and scope from simple studies and assessments to complex, multi million-dollar, multidisciplinary efforts. We provide specialized engineering expertise in the development and maintenance of dams, hydropower systems and water infrastructure projects to help to power communities and industries worldwide while always keeping technical and environmental considerations in mind. We provide a full range of engineering, program management and construction engineering support services to meet the challenges of developing, operating and maintaining hydropower, dam and water resource projects.

We offer expertise in Federal Regulatory Energy Commission (FERC) dam safety, civil, structural,

geotechnical/geological and hydraulics/hydrology (H&H)

engineering. Our experts include electrical and mechanical designers and quality services consultants. We apply our technical expertise and ingenuity on all of our projects. Our team meets or exceeds client requirements in critical areas, such as safety, quality, budget, schedule, scope and responsiveness through careful attention to project management. We serve as owner’s engineer (OE) and FERC dam safety consultants on major projects. Our client relationships are strong, going back more than two decades.

° Licensing and Relicensing ° Structural Engineering


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