Monroe County Transit: Existing Conditions Analysis
infrastructure investments, considering factors such as ridership 2.B.2.4 Collaboratively develop criteria or scoring frameworks to on agreed-upon objectives and priorities. 2.B.3.1 Define the scope and objectives of the feasibility studies transit infrastructure enhancements.
2.B.3 Conduct feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments for proposed enhancements.
2.B.3.2 Identify and engage with relevant experts, consultants, an and EIAs, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to address techn 2.B.3.3 Collect and analyze data related to the proposed enhance land use patterns, regulatory requirements, and environmental se 2.B.3.4 Evaluate the feasibility and potential impacts and consid community benefits, and environmental sustainability. 2.B.4 Engage with the community to gather feedback on proposed improvements. 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti Appendix IV
SUBTA proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Document and analyze community feedback, identifying to the proposed transit improvements. 2.B.4.5 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig to ensure alignment with community needs, values, and priorities 3.C.1.1 Assess the resource requirements for deploying the Comm personnel, technology, marketing, and operational costs. 3.C.1.2 Identify potential funding sources or reallocation of exist program. 3.C.1.3 Develop a budget allocation plan that ensures adequate r in infrastructure, technology, or personnel. 3.C.1.4 Present the budget allocation plan to relevant stakeholde 3.C.1.5 Implement the budget allocation plan, monitor expenditu approved budget and program objectives. 3.C.1.6 Review annually and adjust resource allocations as neede changes in funding availability or priorities. 3.C.2.1 Identify potential major employers in the area that could 3.C.2.2 Develop a value proposition highlighting the benefits of as reduced commuting costs, improved employee satisfaction, an 3.C.2.3 Reach out to key decision-makers within major employer partnerships with the Commute with Enterprise program. 3.C.2.4 Negotiate partnership agreements with major employers, and performance metrics. 3.C.2.5 Implement and monitor cost-sharing partnerships with m and evaluation to ensure mutual benefits and satisfaction. 3.C.3.1 Develop a survey to gather data on commuter demands, p and qualitative feedback from commuters. 3.C.3.2 Identify target commuter populations and sampling meth population, considering demographic diversity and geographic di 3.C.3.3 Implement surveys and data collection activities, leverag response rates. 3.C.3.4 Analyze survey data and feedback to identify trends, patt 3.C.3.5 Communicate survey findings and proposed service adju seeking approval and support for implementation. 1.A.1.1 Define the roles and responsibilities of each team memb representatives from relevant departments such as operations, fin 1.A.1.2: Conduct an analysis of existing county staff roles and re within the cross-functional team, considering factors such as skil 1.A.1.3: Identify specific roles that are unfilled by existing count needs and objectives of the cross-functional team as outlined in t 1.A.1.4: Develop job descriptions and requirements for the ident outlining responsibilities, qualifications, and desired experience team. 1.A.1.5: Conduct recruitment and selection processes to fill the v advertising job openings, reviewing applications, conducting inte priorities of the project. 1.A.1.6: Onboard and integrate new team members into the cross support to ensure a smooth transition and effective collaboration 1.A.2.1 Assess current resource availability and requirements for analysis, including personnel, financial, and technological resour 1.A.2.2 Develop a budget allocation plan to ensure adequate reso 1.A.2.3 Identify potential sources of funding or reallocation of ex year planning analysis. 1.A.3.1 Identify key stakeholders, including community members advocacy groups, and other relevant parties. 1.A.3.2 Develop a stakeholder engagement plan outlining the ob including meetings, surveys, focus groups, and public forums. 1.A.3.3 Design communication materials and outreach strategies encourage participation, and solicit feedback on service needs an 1.A.3.4 Facilitate stakeholder consultations through various chan 2.B.1.1 Assess the current budgetary allocation and available fu projects. 2.B.1.2 Identify potential funding gaps and explore alternative f partnerships, or reallocating existing resources. 2.B.1.3 Develop a funding allocation plan that prioritizes infrastr recommendations from Task #162 and the overall goals of the Tr 2.B.2.1 Identify key stakeholders including local governments, co 2.B.2.2 Establish communication channels and mechanisms for c meetings, working groups, and joint planning sessions. 2.B.2.3 Facilitate discussions and workshops to gather input from infrastructure investments, considering factors such as ridership 2.B.2.4 Collaboratively develop criteria or scoring frameworks to on agreed-upon objectives and priorities. 2.B.3.1 Define the scope and objectives of the feasibility studies transit infrastructure enhancements. proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Document and analyze community feedback, identifying to the proposed transit improvements. 2.B.4.5 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti proposed improvements, considering diverse community perspec 2.B.4.2 Design communication materials and outreach strategies including public meetings, workshops, surveys, online platforms 2.B.4.3 Facilitate interactive sessions and dialogue with commun address concerns regarding the proposed transit improvements, e 2.B.4.4 Incorporate community input into the planning and desig to ensure alignment with community needs, values, and priorities 3.C.1.1 Assess the resource requirements for deploying the Comm personnel, technology, marketing, and operational costs. 3.C.1.2 Identify potential funding sources or reallocation of exist
RECOMMENDATIONS Service and Mobility Hub Infra Partnership Expansion with Ride-Sharing Services
2.B.5 Implement enhancements to bus stop amenities and infrastructure based on prioritization in the county’s TMP.
1.A.1 Establish a cross-functional team to develop a Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan. 3.C.1 Allocate resources for enhancements to the Commute with Enterprise program.
3.C.2 Establish partnerships with major employers for cost-sharing opportunities.
1.A.2 Allocate resources for the development and adoption of the ten-year planning analysis. 3.C.3 Conduct surveys and analysis to understand commuter demands and adjust service offerings based on commuter feedback and demand.
1.A.3 Conduct stakeholder consultations to gather input on service needs and preferences.
Table A.V.2: Part 2 of Strategy Monitoring Transit Authority Action Plan and Transit Development Plan Service and Mobility Hub Infrastructure Investment ervices
all participants. 2.B.1 Allocate funding for infrastructure improvements along US-1 in alignment with Task #162 of the Transportation Master Plan.
2.B.2 Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to prioritize investments in transit infrastructure.
2.B.3 Conduct feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments for proposed enhancements.
2.B.3.2 Identify and engage with relevant experts, consultants, an and EIAs, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach to address techn 2.B.3.3 Collect and analyze data related to the proposed enhance land use patterns, regulatory requirements, and environmental se 2.B.3.4 Evaluate the feasibility and potential impacts and consid community benefits, and environmental sustainability. 2.B.4 Engage with the community to gather feedback on proposed improvements. 2.B.4.1 Develop a community engagement plan outlining objecti
2.B.5 Implement enhancements to bus stop amenities and infrastructure based on prioritization in the county’s TMP.
3.C.1 Allocate resources for enhancements to the Commute with Enterprise program.
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